ACCA’s Council met virtually on 17 November 2020 and considered a number of matters prior to the AGM, including the annual member subscription for 2021, reports from the chief executive and Council Board, the standing orders for the following year and the annual reports from the Council Board, Regulatory Board and standing committees.
ACCA’s annual Council meeting, also held virtually, took place on 19 November 2020 immediately following ACCA’s 115th AGM.
The Council elected ACCA’s officers for the coming year. The new president is Mark Millar. He will be supported by Orla Collins (deputy president) and Joseph Owolabi (vice president).
Council welcomed six new members, whose election was declared at the AGM: Kevin Fitzgerald, Babajide Ibironke, Oxana Losevskaya, Maryam Abisola Adefarati, Nauman Asif Mian and Den Surfraz.
Council also welcomed the 10 re-elected members: Liz Blackburn, Joyce Evans, Paula Kensington, Ayla Majid, Siobhan Pandya, Ronnie Patton, Melanie Proffitt, Brendan Sheehan, Matthew Wong and Alice Yip.
Council took a number of other decisions at its annual meeting, including:
- electing three Council members to serve on the Nominating and Governance Committee in 2020-21
- adopting Council’s standing orders for 2020-21 in accordance with the bye laws
- approving the Council regulations for 2021
- agreeing the Council work plan and objectives for the year ahead.