Further information

Find all information on the UK transition at the government website

Find ACCA guidance on Brexit-related matters

As the end of the Brexit transition period gets closer, the government is urging businesses to take action now to get ready for new rules from January 2021.

The Cabinet Office and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have published a range of guidance for businesses, including:

  • the reasonable worst-case scenario for potential disruption to freight travelling between Great Britain and the EU at the end of the transition period
  • a user-friendly checker tool that details exactly what businesses need to do
  • a series of webinars for trade associations, business bodies and business advisers to assist them in supporting firms to prepare for the end of the transition period. Register your interest now; the webinars will also be available on demand
  • the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster’s statement to the House of Commons on preparations for the end of the transition period
  • videos on exporting and sending goods outside the UK, importing and bringing goods into the UK, and the customs clearance process.