A lot of people dream of being a pilot or a doctor, but accounting was always the career for me. From a young age I enjoyed working with numbers and money, so I studied for a degree in accounting and finance, took a job and worked my way up, accepting new challenges at Big Four firms and in industry along the way and gaining ACCA and FCCA status.

I’ve been fortunate to work with exceptional colleagues from different parts of the world; at the same time, my broad experience has given me a great appreciation of our business and of the needs of our clients.

I’m actually super-good at my work. It’s something that comes naturally to me. I love the variety this profession offers. Being successful is not about staying safe in your comfort zone, but about pushing the envelope and having the tenacity to face something that challenges your potential every day.

Working in practice allows you the opportunity to work on everything from project management through to implementation. I have been able to help clients at each stage of their business journey, rather than specialising only in specific areas. The job has enabled me to walk into companies and see the whole story, in the process learning what was and was not successful.

If I wasn’t an accountant I’d be a forensic scientist or a detective. It’s all detective work, only with accounting, you’re detecting numbers

Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 is a long-term economic roadmap which aims to end the kingdom’s reliance on oil. Importantly, it targets greater investment in non-extractive industries. Investment in these sectors is now expected to rapidly increase in the years to 2030.

The double blow of depressed oil prices and the Covid-19 pandemic is placing pressure on the Saudi economy. Achieving high rates of economic growth and providing new job opportunities for citizens are the most important challenges facing it.

The Saudi economy can over time emerge from this period of hardship with a more dynamic private sector and new jobs for citizens. A positive factor is the continued high rate of women’s participation in the labour market, which has witnessed remarkable improvement since the launch of the kingdom’s 2030 Vision.

If I had the power, I would make everyone equally accountable, no matter who they are and regardless of the position they hold. We should all be equal in the eyes of the law.

What I enjoy about my job is that no two days are the same. Working with diverse teams and with clients across a range of sectors, including trading, manufacturing and industrial products, software and technology, professional services, law, defence and construction, has meant I’ve never felt the need to shift my career path. The variety challenges and excites me.

I’m happiest when we achieve as a team. I feel proud and have a sense of achievement when I see they have succeeded. It is inspiring to help others to fulfil their potential.

Accounting involves a ton of investigating. If I wasn’t an accountant I would be a forensic scientist or a detective. It’s all detective work, only with accounting you’re detecting by way of numbers.

I love spending time with my family. I also enjoy travelling, taking long drives, walking, watching TV and, when possible, reading.
