My journey as an active member started in around 2011, since when I led a number of ACCA events in Russia such as conferences on financial reporting in financial services. I’ve been most actively involved since 2019, when I became a member of the first ACCA Russia Panel.
Our mission is to build an open community of ACCA members in Russia and provide diverse events. These have included a conference on the digital CFO, a successful event on the way of the methodologist, and an ‘ethics marathon’ to support Global Ethics Day.
I have organised a Russian focus group on integrated reporting and created a new ACCA Russia community Facebook group, which attracted around 600 members within three months.
When people ask me why I do all these things with ACCA, I say this is my hobby. Some people prefer sports, video games or hiking, but this is how I find myself outside of work. It’s about building the community, giving back, sharing knowledge and building on my own capabilities.
Life is all about connecting with other people. The best thing one can do is pursue other connections that are meaningful and these can be found within our ACCA community. It’s about engaging in a conversation, sharing a post in a group, hosting an event or setting up a dialogue among members on a specific topic.
Further information
Read about the advocacy awards