My inspiration to become an accountant rides on the practical nature and value of the accounting profession. It is the heart that ensures the proper functioning of the other organs of the institution, and is a rewarding and timeless profession amidst changing paradigms.
I started my career as an audit associate with PwC Uganda in 2012 before being seconded for two years to PwC in Rwanda. At the end of my tenure there, I joined Barclays Bank as a finance business partner and later acting head of business performance and analytics, a role that has enabled me to better understand the relationship between numbers and strategy.

The accounting profession is the heart that ensures the proper functioning of the other organs of the institution
The banking sector is the foundation of any economy. It is the lifeblood without which nations would struggle to trade and domestic markets would live in limbo. My passion for steering complex financial systems drove me towards a career in the sector.
My role at the helm of analytics at the bank places me on a watchtower. It requires alertness and agility to inform evidence-based decisions. At the same time, it gives me the liberty to explore creative solutions to work challenges without confining me to a box. I enjoy that.
My life ideologies have been shaped by my mother, who cultivated in me a winning mindset. I also draw immense inspiration from those who have come before me in the professional environment, especially in the banking industry, where I’ve had the guidance of seasoned and passionate professionals. Women in leadership are a great source of inspiration, too.
I have certainly embraced risks in my career. However, these have been carefully targeted towards harnessing a particular set of skills, ranging from strategic management to business analytics and accounting.
If I could, I would advocate for laws giving equitable access to financial services to low-income communities. These would focus on eliminating financial access barriers and maintenance fees, while subsidising the rural banking presence through government/private sector partnerships.
Bringing on board under-banked populations would have a meaningful impact on the socio-economic wellbeing of households and the financial resilience of the economy as a whole.
My biggest achievement is to have co-founded a successful not for profit. Amani Initiative promotes advocacy against teenage pregnancy and early marriage in Uganda through community-led solutions and so far has positively impacted more than 3,000 teenagers from vulnerable households. I am proud to be its board chairperson.
If I weren’t an accountant, I’d like to have been a professional model, or a tour guide. I think there are many roles within the leisure, hospitality and entertainment industry that I'd have found interesting.
I like listening to educational podcasts such as TED Talks, as well as audio books. Fitness activities, touring places, shopping and socialising are other activities I enjoy.