I came to the UK for a break after finishing my master’s degree in law and administration from the University of Lodz in Poland and ended up staying. I realised that law wasn’t the career for me, and a role in accounts payable with NHS Lothian confirmed that accountancy was.

I chose ACCA because it’s the leading professional accounting body and offers a global qualification. Having the option to work in different countries is something I haven’t used yet, but you never know what the future holds.

As capital investment manager, I lead the financial management of the health capital investment plan and associated budgets. I’m also responsible for the system of in-year and future year’s outturns. This involves providing advice to NHS boards on capital budget and expenditure. I’m the first point of contact for all capital-related queries, particularly in respect of additional budget requirements and/or accounting treatments. On top of this, I’m responsible for various forms of parliamentary and ministerial correspondence related to the health estate across Scotland.

Beata Burkinshaw FCCA

When you see the newly built hospital, you realise that you are doing something worthwhile

When I joined NHS Lothian’s capital projects and property team, I was the finance lead for many capital projects during the governance process. This was from construction through to completion, including for East Lothian Community Hospital. When you see the newly built hospital, with the knowledge that your hard work contributed to its construction, you realise that you are doing something worthwhile. So I couldn’t resist the opportunity to apply to join the Scottish Government’s Strategic Capital Investment team.

While it’s challenging to make sure that all improvements are supported, I enjoy this part of the job. I feel like I’m part of a larger team that improves the patient’s outcome. Every small improvement to the healthcare infrastructure makes me proud. It doesn’t need to be a shiny new hospital; it can equally be a small piece of much-needed equipment.

We need to deal with all the consequences of the current economic climate and learn how to deliver more for less

So much is changing so quickly, it’s hard to plan for the future and make forecasts. I work with data from all the health boards to look at how much they need to achieve their outcomes and am part of the review process at each stage. We face challenges from demographic change, health trends, inflation and an increasing demand for public services and the cost of delivering them; we need to deal with all the consequences of the current economic climate and learn how to deliver more for less.

I am very proud of my ACCA Qualification, completed via self-study and while working full time and raising a family. My line manager was an ACCA member and a great support and mentor. I have spent many years working in the public sector in Scotland and have a good understanding of the challenges it faces. I believe passionately in the ethos of public accountability, stewardship and governance.

Outside of work, my family is very important to me. I’m a trustee at Circle, a local charity in Edinburgh that supports children and families to improve their lives. I find it very rewarding to help others reach their potential. To relax and take time for myself, I love to bake; my chocolate brownies are a firm favourite with friends and family.
