I was inspired to study accounting by my uncle, who is a chartered accountant. He used to visit the village where I grew up and talk about his work, which sounded exciting to a young boy living in a rural area where the only educated people were teachers and nurses.
At high school, I studied O-level accounting and, having passed the exam with an A grade, I went on to do A levels and enrol for an accounting degree with Bindura University. I became an ACCA member in 2016 and a fellow in 2021. During this time, I rose through the ranks from graduate trainee to assistant accountant, financial accountant and now company secretary.

My board chairman's support gave me confidence I could succeed as company secretary
My original plan was to join an accounting firm and train to become a chartered accountant in practice, but I struggled to get a placement, so I changed course to the corporate side. Having worked briefly at Quetech Holdings, an SME in the manufacturing sector, I moved to Freda Rebecca Gold Mine, which has fulfilled my ambitions for 12 years.
In 2012, when I was still an assistant accountant, the group developed a strategy to utilise all the surface land in the mining claim for farming purposes. With my background in manufacturing and mining, I knew nothing about farm accounting but I was given a mandate to run the finances of the farming business. It was certainly a step out of my comfort zone, but I did my research and set up the department from scratch. It was a challenge that I really enjoyed.
As a gold mine in Zimbabwe, we depend on imports for raw materials and spares
In 2019, I was appointed acting company secretary. It was a new experience for me but the board chairman had confidence in my abilities and I took guidance from an experienced company secretary, which gave me the confidence I needed to move forward. The appointment was later made permanent.
Recently, I stepped up to take on the role of acting finance manager. I had no experience of leading the whole finance team but gained valuable exposure and knowledge.
Since the advent of Covid-19 and the geopolitical conflict in Ukraine, the price of gold has continued to soar, which has been good for our organisation. Of course, the uncertainty in the price of gold is an inherent risk in the mining industry, but when the price moves in our favour it is a plus.
Winning for Zimbabwe at the 2022 Amateur Golf World Cup in Mauritius was a proud achievement
That said, our operational costs have also risen, as there has been a general increase in the price of all items in the value chain. As a gold mine in Zimbabwe, we depend on imports in terms of capital expenditure, needing raw materials and spares for various machines. High energy costs have also impacted our business.
What I enjoy about my job is the many new challenges. I also like being part of our executive committee, having access to the board of directors and contributing to the success of the business.
Outside my career, my biggest achievement was winning the Heritage World Cup Amateur Golf Tournament in Mauritius earlier this year, representing Zimbabwe.
If I weren’t in finance, I’d be a farmer. I especially enjoy rearing cattle. I have started buying cows, and intend to increase my herd so I can farm commercially.
In my spare time, I am an avid golfer. Most weekends, if I am not spending time with my family, I can be found on the golf course.