Our interview this month features Rashidat Adebisi FCCA, who, as chief client officer at Nigerian insurer AXA Mansard, is working to raise awareness of the benefits of insurance. In a country where only 3% of people aged 15-49 have any form of health insurance cover, there’s considerable potential – if only the population could be persuaded of the advantages. Read more of Rashidat’s story in our article.

The issue of taxation reform is one that many countries in Africa are grappling with: how to fund public investment in a way that is trusted by the public; where the burden falls as broadly as possible; and where tax raised is spent for the greatest good of all citizens. In his column this month, ACCA president Joseph Owolabi considers the respective roles of governments, businesses and individuals in making it work.

Meanwhile, our columnist Okey Umeano FCCA looks at initiatives around artificial intelligence in African countries and why it’s time to introduce regulation.

For practitioners, we have an article about how to have low-pressure conversations with your clients in order to help grow the business. And we explore the many uses of outplacement services in supporting companies going through restructuring or redundancy programmes.

Finally, in soft skills guidance, we look at how to reduce your nerves when giving presentations or speaking in public, and the benefits of integrative thinking.

Further information

See the other regional editions of AB:
