This was a great year to be an ACCA member. In so many ways, we took so many big steps forward in so many directions, and it’s hard to know which one to celebrate first. I’ll mention three of my highlights.

The first was a major achievement in South Africa where, after much hard work and patient activity behind the scenes, we announced the awarding of the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors audit licence to ACCA. This was a truly significant moment for our members, opening up a pathway to full auditing rights for our people in the country. It also brought extra access to a special quality that is the magic ingredient in ACCA membership: opportunity.

It showed, too, that in the fast-growing African markets – where fresh winds of change are bringing freer trade between nations and brighter economic prospects for millions – ACCA members are poised to make their best contribution in establishing the continent as a global economic powerhouse.

Power of partnerships

The second cause for satisfaction was the continuing ability of ACCA to build partnerships across the world, and to raise our prestige, status and reputation everywhere.

We signed numerous new memorandums of understanding with partners from a huge array of industries; with governments and government agencies; with national and regional bodies; and in education. There are too many to name them all, but the list of places where we clinched new agreements includes China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. That’s the power of partnership at its most potent.


Ronnie Patton is ACCA president

Our social media campaign positioned the profession as an enticing option for Gen Z

We were represented in person at many signing ceremonies by my predecessor Joseph Owolabi – and his tireless efforts this year were instrumental in sharing our message far and wide. Around 70% of the planet is covered by water, and this year the remaining 30% was covered by Joseph.

Joseph was also a constant fixture at countless new member ceremonies, the joy-filled occasions that mean so much to members, their families and friends. Congratulations and welcome to all the new additions to our ACCA family.

‘Be you’

And, finally, I’ve loved every minute of our ‘Be You. Anywhere’ social media campaign, which carried our message to potential new ACCA accountants all over the world.

This positioned our profession as an exciting, rewarding and enticing option with the Gen Z audience, who are considering career options and weighing up their life choices. It made me wish I was 21 again, with so many fascinating opportunities awaiting the coming numbers of ambitious, forward-thinking and talented future members.

I feel incredibly positive about our strategy to build our student numbers

Remember our purpose

It’s right that we look forward as well as back at this time of year. I feel incredibly positive about our strategy to build our student numbers; to widen our ACCA family; and to enhance even further our position as the world’s number one professional accountancy body.

I know it will be a year, too, when we remember our purpose, which for me is all about extending more opportunities for more people to pursue a brilliant business education and a decent career; to serve the public good; and to contribute to our communities and societies while also adding commercial value and advancing the cause of sustainable business. As the band Bachman-Turner Overdrive said, ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’!

I close now by wishing all of you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. This is always a special time of year for me. It always fills me with feelings of hope and joy as we anticipate a bright, brand-new year to come. I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings for us all.
