The pros and cons of using AI software in the workplace are being hotly debated just now, and in June’s main interview we talk to Clodagh Monks FCCA, CFO of start-up Clearword, on how this technology can be used to improve the efficiency and productivity of office meetings – something which many will agree is a welcome development.

Technology trends were among the topics discussed at ACCA Ireland’s national conference, held at the beginning of the month at Trinity College. More than 200 members enjoyed the chance to network and hear a range of presentations about developments in data analysis, restructuring and anti-money laundering, plus the latest on tax planning and accounting standards. 

Regular AB columnist Ian Guider has been casting an eye over developments in the world of crypto assets, and says that the EU’s decision to introduce a regulatory framework is set to give Europe the opportunity to leapfrog the US when it comes to technology innovation.

As well as regular technical roundups, covering post-Covid tax developments and the latest regulatory news , we also have two articles focusing on specific developments, both of which offer CPD units. We take a look at developments in the EU’s new sustainability disclosure regime and, closer to home, there’s guidance on the changes to solicitors accounts regulations, which will take effect from next month. Find more in our CPD section.

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