Our main interview this month is with Stuart Manning FCCA, FD of fly-on-demand company Victor. While the private aviation sector has experienced significant growth recently, so has the challenge of managing the environmental impact. Manning is addressing this in part by using environmentally friendly sustainable aviation fuel, made from products such as food waste.

For practitioners, we have an article on innovative ways of marketing your business in order to bring in new revenue streams and clients.

And for those in the public sector, we discuss experts’ concerns over governments shifting costs off balance sheet in the article ‘Contingent liabilities scrutinised’.

In our careers section, we look at why some promotions don’t quite go to plan when staff taking on new, more senior positions slip back into their old, familiar roles. Our expert offers advice on how leaders can help people to expand their comfort zone so they can flourish in new roles. 

We also share techniques on how to ‘silence the monkey brain’ – that is, taming the blizzard of competing thoughts that happen naturally in your mind.

On a more technical note, the article ‘Doing data better’ offers practical tips in how Power BI can speed up the reporting process.

We also have practical advice (and one CPD unit on offer) on how companies of all sizes can benefit from doing an evaluation of their board to assess their effectiveness.

Finally, our CPD technical feature this month is on the new sustainability standards that will be ready for implementation in 2024. How can companies prepare for the upcoming standards, and what are the key principles of IFRS S1?

Further information
