I write this in a hotel room in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, catching my breath during a wonderful, whirlwind tour to meet our members right across east Africa. Other stops included Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda, and after these engagements I head off to see our partners and colleagues in mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Malaysia and Vietnam.
These intense few weeks bring the curtain down on an incredible, unforgettable year as president of ACCA. Once I have said my farewells in Asia, I head to London for our AGM and my final Council meeting in this role, and I will hand over the chain of office to my successor as their appointment is confirmed.
I will do this as with a heart that is heavy, yet also full of joy – because I look back on 12 months that have filled me with the promise of a bright future for ACCA and ACCA members. This hope is based on my experience of meeting thousands of our people all over the world, and of witnessing their endless dedication, devotion and commitment to the values that make us special.

ACCA includes people from all cultures, yet differences melt away when I hear members share their vision
Selfless determination
I have seen so much selfless determination to serve the public good in all that they do, and a desire to play their part in building sustainable businesses and economies that work for all people and the planet.
ACCA includes people from all cultures, creeds and continents. Yet differences melt away whenever I hear members share their vision for the world and for their profession. That has been true regardless of where I have been, from Nepal to Nigeria; Ghana to Grenada; Cyprus to Sri Lanka.
I am proud that I have seen so many dreams come true
Connecting communities
These reflections bring me back full circle to my first days as president, and my first AB column. I wrote about my ambitions for the year to come. They were all about inspiring future members to throw themselves into their careers with passion and purpose; about connecting our communities around the world; and about encouraging members to make their best contribution in ensuring that ACCA remains the greatest professional accountancy body in the world. I am pleased and proud that I have seen so many of these dreams come true.
It has been a privilege, an honour and the greatest experience of my life to represent you. I send my deepest thanks to all of you, my dear colleagues, friends and fellow members, and I send you the greatest of good wishes for a happy, prosperous and healthy future.