I grew up in Poland after the fall of communism when the changes happening around me were fascinating, and I was interested in everything. Everyone had access to much more information, so I could read the newspapers, including the financial pages. That pushed me to consider a career in finance, especially as I discovered accounting firms were always at the top of employer rankings. So, after studying economics at university and spending a year on an Erasmus exchange in Ireland, I started working as an auditor and later moved to internal audit and financial control.

I always considered the public sector as I wanted to do something for others. When a friend of mine got a job at the European Commission I started to think what I wanted to do with my life. The European Court of Auditors (ECA) was a natural choice for me, given my background. I worked on the audit of the EU accounts, but in 2023 I moved to a department dealing with agriculture, energy and climate, joining the team auditing the EU framework for climate change adaptation.

I am currently on audit projects relating to climate changes. The topics we address are very important, and I believe my work brings something to society.

The topics we address are very important, and I believe my work brings something to society

The ECA audits the EU’s finances, which is crucial for improving accountability and transparency, enhancing citizens’ trust. This helps other EU institutions and the member states to better manage EU funds, and helps citizens to understand what has been done with their money. Audits on climate-related topics show how the ECA is focusing on issues that directly impact EU citizens.

Over my 12 years at the ECA the EU budget and finances have grown in scope and complexity. That increases the audit risk and so it requires the ECA to continue to recruit good auditors. A key challenge is therefore making people aware that the ECA is a great place for professional and personal development thanks to working with great people on a variety of important topics.

I don’t have one favourite saying or mantra, but I do like the Monty Python song, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life. We shouldn’t allow dark thoughts to overshadow our day. Tomorrow the sun will rise again!

Audits on climate-related topics show how the ECA is focusing on issues that directly impact EU citizens

If I had law-making powers, there are two issues I would immediately confront. We must act now to tackle climate change and avoid a global catastrophe, so as the absolute minimum we all must stick to Paris Agreement goals. In Poland, we know what Ukraine is going through due to the Russian invasion. It is vital we support Ukraine to defend its internationally recognised borders and develop into a thriving, free, democratic country.

What I enjoy the most about my job is its international aspect. It is great working with people from different cultures, with different backgrounds and languages. It enriches me and pushes me to develop further.

I hope the biggest achievement of my career is still ahead, but I was head of task for the reliability of EU financial statements. This is a really complex exercise, but we were always able to deliver within the tight deadlines. My other achievements include climbing Mont Blanc and completing the toughest mountain trial in Poland, over 500km long.

I love hiking, so if I were not an accountant, I would be a mountain guide. Mountains are my refuge and I always enjoy spending time there.

When away from work I love spending time with my wonderful family. I enjoy sport, especially hiking, cycling, running, swimming and the gym. I also like meeting friends and reading a good book.
