Our interview this month is with Nkechi Ojeyokan FCCA, CFO of Berger Paints Nigeria, who is grappling with challenging times in the West African country. Bold fiscal, monetary and sectoral reforms aimed at driving up economic growth and stability are putting businesses under pressure, Berger Paints Nigeria included. Find out how Nkechi is mitigating the risks and readying the company to seize opportunities as conditions change.

The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive introduces the obligation for companies to conduct appropriate human rights and environmental due diligence within their operations. While not all businesses will fall within its scope, our article considers the benefit of this new sustainability regulation and how organisations can become operationally and commercially more resilient. 

If you’re thinking of your next career move, might you be a good fit for CEO? In our careers article we speak to senior members in Africa who have used the CFO role as a stepping stone about the additional skills and experience required for the top C-suite job.

Also this month we have a CPD article on dealing with stressful situations in the workplace. We find out about how to change negative thinking patterns, and why living authentically and taking a mindful approach to how you look after yourself can help you grow.

Further information

See the other regional editions of AB:
