How can small and medium business owners ensure they have liquidity so that they can pay vendors, employees and even themselves? With traditional banks lacking the infrastructure to serve SMBs, fintech solutions are bridging the gap and increasingly becoming a more accessible option for entrepreneurs. In this issue, we hear from Samson Wong FCCA, senior finance director at payments fintech Payoneer, on how technology innovation is making it easier for businesses to manage their cash and trade globally.

The risk of individuals outliving their assets and savings has put the spotlight on retirement planning and healthcare spending. Yet fluency in financial literacy, particularly in Asia, is low. We look at how practices can broaden their services by offering wealth management and financial planning for clients who need advice and support in providing for their wellbeing.

The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive introduces the obligation for companies to conduct appropriate human rights and environmental due diligence within their operations. While not all businesses will fall within its scope, our article considers the benefit of this new sustainability regulation and how organisations can become operationally and commercially more resilient.

Our careers section this month offers a CPD article on learning how to deal with stressful situations in the workplace. We find out about how to change negative thinking patterns, and why living authentically and taking a mindful approach to how you look after yourself can help you grow.

We also look at how difficult people can cost businesses money – eroding profit margins, undermining competitive edge and affecting staffing. What makes a work colleague ‘difficult’? And how can leaders sensitively manage individuals whose behaviour can impact and negatively influence others?

Finally, our article on organisational assurance considers how emerging patterns of trust and accountability are impacting the role of traditional audit. Will the demand for greater insights that go beyond historical financial information herald a shift in the way in which assurance will be provided in a fast-moving and technology-driven world?

Further information

See the other regional editions of AB:
