In our main interview this month we meet Muhammad Hassan FCCA, whose career in the hospitality sector has seen him work in eight countries on three continents. Now overseeing 1,500 rooms in four top-end hotels in Qatar, he says adaptability has been key to navigating his international career.

We also meet Muneeb Mirza ACCA, CFO at the equine charity Brooke Pakistan, which works to improve the lives of the country’s 100,000-strong workforce of horses, donkeys and mules. With the livelihoods of more than 12 million people in Pakistan dependent on them, Muneeb is excited by the tangible impact the charity’s work has on the equids and the communities they serve.

Meanwhile in India, amid record high temperatures, energy consumption is expected to double by 2050 due to high economic growth and climate change. The country is building capacity in renewables at a rapid rate, says our columnist, but challenges remain and targets may need to be reset.

The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive introduces the obligation for companies to conduct appropriate human rights and environmental due diligence within their operations. While not all businesses will fall within its scope, our article considers the benefit of this new sustainability regulation and how organisations can become operationally and commercially more resilient. 

In our careers section this month we have a CPD article on dealing with stressful situations in the workplace. We find out about how to change negative thinking patterns, and why living authentically and taking a mindful approach to how you look after yourself can help you grow.

Further information

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