Having just become an ACCA member I can truly say a dream has now become a reality. It is an honour to be a part of a prestigious professional accountancy body as well as a little surreal to believe I can now give the following advice to my clients: keep calm and leave your business worries to your chartered accountant!

Ireland has played a key role in my journey towards qualifying. I will always have a deep appreciation for the many friends, colleagues and educators who helped move my career in the right direction there and who I remain in contact with today.

My Irish employers were second to none

I found the working culture in Ireland particularly supportive. In terms of my professional development with ACCA and my more general development, my Irish employers were second to none.

In February 2024, I made the decision to leave Ireland and move to New Zealand. I now work as a senior auditor with RSM New Zealand, specialising in external audit. In the coming years, I hope to progress to team lead and managerial roles.

I began the ACCA journey as a graduate back in 2019. I can still recall the first days, trying to understand the debits and credits of the accounting world, and the last nights spent studying. Fast forward to 2024, and remote learning and exams have become the norm. The lesson is that change is always imminent, and we should welcome and embrace it where possible.

I enjoy providing quality advice to clients and colleagues

There are many opportunities globally for those starting their careers in core accounting functions. Having developed a specialisation in external audit, I enjoy playing the role of an adviser in providing quality advice to clients and colleagues, and am keen to build my skillsets in new environments.

Throughout my career, I have learned some valuable lessons, not least the importance of time. We are all given the same 24 hours in each day. Time goes hand in hand with respect, and the more you put your time into your craft, your family, your friends and colleagues, the more meaningful and fulfilling your life becomes. Another motto, also on time, has served me well: the next six months will pass whether you do something or don’t, so you might as well try!
