It’s the New Year, often a time for new beginnings. Our main interview is with Kevin Higgins FCCA, who talks about the challenges and rewards he has experienced as CFO of online start-up companies dedicated to improving employees’ wellbeing. 

Being paid fairly is an important factor in feeling good about work, and while there have been many attempts to shrink the gender pay gap, inequalities remain. We have analysis of plans to increase pay transparency, which will put pressure on employers to tackle the problem more rigorously. 

Change comes from the top, and we have a report on a new competency framework for boards of directors, designed to help them build the skillsets and knowledge needed to tackle new challenges such as artificial intelligence. 

For those looking to refresh their own career, we have guidance on how to work with a coach and how to make a good impression at interview.

A year on from its introduction, we also assess the effectiveness of SCARP, Ireland’s new rescue process for small and micro companies who hit difficulties. And our columnist Ian Guider highlights the importance of a new tax break for angel investors, who are critical to getting innovative companies off the ground.

This year also sees the Olympic and Paralympic Games land in Paris. Find out how the Big Four are involved in helping the events run smoothly.

Finally, if your resolution is to be better informed, not only is AB here to help, but our weekly bulletin AB Direct provides headlines from UK media stories of relevance finance professionals, as well as highlights of recently published AB features. Find out more.

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