It’s  the summer holidays, and with less pressure comes more time to think about what the future might hold.  Our main interview is with Martin Hannigan FCCA, director of finance, IT and governance at Barnados, who explains how the key measure of the charity’s success is the impact its early intervention services have on improving the prospects for children living in disadvantaged communities.

Until recently Ireland was the only country in the OECD not to have any kind of pension auto-enrolment scheme, making planning for financial security in older age challenging for many. That’s about to change, and AB looks at the new pensions scheme and how employers and workers can prepare for the changes.

Getting the message over about the need to plan ahead can be challenging. Columnist Ian Guider argues that communicating well is an essential skill in business, as in politics, and says that leaders should be judged for their ability to connect with a wider audience and debate key issues.

One emerging trend that’s causing comment is the increasing influence of artificial intelligence on operations in many sectors. With the technology offering the ability to automate routine processes, AB examines what that may mean for recruitment, training and career development in tax practices.

And, if this month’s reading has inspired you to find out where your skills and experiences might take you, then take a look at our career paths special edition.  

Further information

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