I’m lucky to work with a great team of people. I like being involved in various projects that include digital transformation and enhancement of current processes. Having a keen interest in finance technology means that I am exposed to business analytics, and working with a great team provides learning opportunities where everyone shares their knowledge in different areas. This allows us to deliver projects effectively and to the highest standard. 

As an assistant manager of the finance team, I am responsible for the preparation of the monthly consolidated financial statements. This includes analysing and interpreting financial information, and building reports that are then presented to various stakeholders. I support my team with their day-to-day tasks and collaborate with other departments to ensure the right information is communicated on a timely basis.

One of our big challenges is proactively meeting client needs in a constantly changing environment

Grant Thornton Ireland has grown rapidly over recent years, which has presented both challenges and opportunities. One of our big challenges is proactively meeting client needs in a constantly changing environment. For example, regulatory compliance, sustainability, digital transformation and cybersecurity are all an important part of modern business in a highly competitive marketplace.

Our response to challenges is the creation of new opportunities. This has involved restructuring the firm, implementing new technologies and employing the right talent on a global scale. Disruptive technologies such as AI, machine learning and cloud computing are playing crucial roles in our accountancy and financial services because they transform the ways the firm operates.

The ACCA qualification provides a well-rounded knowledge base in different areas. These include not just accountancy but also leadership, ethics and governance. The professional skillset has prepared me with the right mindset when dealing with different situations. I consider my ACCA qualification to be one of my greatest achievements and am very proud of to be part of this community of professionals.

The most important business lesson I have learned in my career is to believe in myself and my abilities

Participating in ACCA’s Leaders of Tomorrow programme has been an opportunity to expand my network of fellow leaders who have different backgrounds, roles and worldviews. The programme has provided me with valuable lessons including strategic thinking, preferences regarding behaviour and thinking attributes, and how to be an accountant in the age of AI. Most importantly, the programme allowed me to raise my personal brand by acting as an ambassador for ACCA and identifying myself as a ‘Leader of Tomorrow’.

The most important business lesson I have learned in my career is to believe in myself and my abilities. Having clear goals and aspirations has helped me in my career development. I was nominated for Grant Thornton’s female talent leadership programme, Accelerate, and promoted to assistant manager within a year of joining the firm. This has provided me with an opportunity to develop my leadership skills through self-confidence, career planning and networking.

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