My father is an accountant and I followed in his footsteps. I feel accountants are like financial doctors for businesses, guiding them to make smart decisions. It’s not just a job; it’s making a real impact.

Attaining my ACCA qualification is one of my biggest achievements, opening so many doors for me. I became a forensic accountant and I am now a council member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Trinidad and Tobago, also sitting as vice chair of the professional accountants in business committee.

Trinidad and Tobago is facing several economic and business challenges. Volatility in oil and gas prices is a real issue for the economy, which relies heavily on the energy sector. These fluctuations can significantly impact government revenues and economic stability. The economy must be diversified to reduce dependence on the energy sector.

The economy must be diversified to reduce dependence on the energy sector

Unfortunately, agriculture, tourism and manufacturing have not grown significantly either, and developing these sectors is crucial. Fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship would drive diversification, but challenges remain with accessing finance.

Inflation has been affecting the cost of living and impacting Trinidad and Tobago’s food, housing and transportation sectors. However, there is potential for growth. With abundant sunlight and wind, green energy can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and create a sustainable energy sector. We can also develop agri-processing, particularly of value-added products such as packaged foods and beverages.

I stepped out of my comfort zone when I was asked to address the chamber of commerce. Public speaking was never my forte, but as I began to speak a sense of empowerment enveloped me. When I finished, the feeling of conquering my fear was indescribable.

As I began to speak a sense of empowerment enveloped me

What I enjoy most about my job is the intellectual challenge of analysing financial data, problem-solving then developing solutions. I also enjoy building relationships with my clients and being involved in strategic decision-making.

My favourite quote comes from Martin Luther King Jr: ‘Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.’

As an avid fan of the TV show CSI, I was drawn to forensic accounting. I wanted to dig deeper to find the root causes of white-collar crime.

If I had law-making powers, I would introduce mandatory financial literacy courses in schools

If I had law-making powers, I would introduce mandatory financial literacy courses in schools, empowering future generations to contribute to economic stability. I would also implement policies to increase financing, resources and training for SMEs to foster innovation and economic growth. I would like to see stronger anti-corruption laws, with comprehensive whistleblower protection laws, too, encouraging people to report unethical or illegal activities without fear of retaliation.

If I wasn’t in finance, I would have loved to be a politician. There is much that I would like to see change for Trinidad and Tobago, and I feel I could have made a positive impact.

Outside work, I enjoy spending quality time with my family, especially exploring the outdoors. We like movie nights and creating a fun family atmosphere. I also have a passion for cooking, often experimenting with new recipes.
