Working for a sustained period in a single organisation might not be to everyone’s taste. How successful it is depends greatly on whether the people and culture are a good fit. There should be opportunities to work in a range of different roles within the organisation; certainly, this has proved true for me as I started my career as a finance assistant and have reached the top of the finance tree. That said, working cultures have changed a lot in the past decade and moving around to different organisations does provide opportunities to gain diverse experience, which is likely to support your career.

Working for many years at one NGO has allowed me to develop a trove of organisation-specific knowledge. It has provided me with the opportunity to contribute to strengthening a financial management system that suits ActionAid’s needs and also to build a valuable network that has supported me in my work.

A colleague challenged me to qualify as an accountant so I could develop my career

I have worked in finance in the not-for-profit sector for three decades, taking different roles with a range of national and international organisations. In the process, I gained a lot of experience and worked my way up to head of finance. I am currently ActionAid’s finance adviser, providing strategic guidance and ensuring financial compliance in countries across the region.

When I started my career, I did not have any academic qualifications in finance, but I got the opportunity to take an MBA while still in full-time work. Gaining this was exciting and enjoyable, so I wanted to keep my educational momentum going. A colleague challenged me to qualify as an accountant so I could take on more senior finance positions and develop my career, so I decided on ACCA.

Nepal, in common with many other countries, does face challenges; global economic conditions and financial crises can lead to reductions in funding from both government and private donors. Changes in government policies and political leadership can also affect foreign aid budgets and priorities, with some countries reducing their overseas development spending to spend on challenges closer to home.

Donors are channelling more funds for humanitarian work into countries facing crisis

Donor priorities are changing as a result of increasing numbers of natural and human-made crises, such as climate change, migration, the war in Ukraine and ongoing conflict in Gaza. In the current political environment, donors are now channelling more funds for humanitarian work into countries facing crisis.

My favourite mantra is this: ‘Always give 100% and keep believing that if one door closes another will open.’ I am an optimist in life and even if things don’t always turn out as I had hoped I keep going and don’t compromise my work. I gain satisfaction from knowing that I have given my best. 

If I had law-making powers, I would increase investment in education. Education is crucial as it equips citizens to take opportunities in life.

The most inspiring part of my job is sharing the knowledge and experience I have gained over a long period

I have always enjoyed working in finance, especially with such diverse people and across different parts of the world. I like being involved in financial matters, which gives me opportunities to contribute and to learn. The most inspiring part of my job is sharing the knowledge and experience I have gained over a long period with others earlier on in their careers.

My biggest achievement came when I played an important role in the merger of my organisation with another NGO. There were ambiguities in the law, and it was challenging but very exciting to conclude the merger. I also took up an international secondment as an operations adviser. I effectively contributed to various finance projects and to different organisational committees.

It is difficult to say what other career I might have chosen as I think my personality is suited to the finance profession. However, I believe that without my ACCA qualification I would not have achieved the positions that I have.

When I’m not at work I love to visit new places, and I watch sports whenever I have time.
