Teamwork is a theme running through AB this month. This summer sees a raft of top-level sporting events, with participants working with colleagues, coaches and fans to do their best for individual and national success. Read about how Uefa is striving to make Euro 2024 the greenest event ever, while KPMG’s sponsorship of the Ladies Professional Golf Association 2024 Tour is driving change for women on and off the course.

Our main interview is with David Woodward FCCA, finance director at Savvi Credit Union. Credit unions have long embraced a cooperative ethos of equality and mutual self-help, and David outlines how the sector is building on this to ensure access to finance for all.

Those lucky enough to have achieved financial success often want to share their good fortune with others. Our helping hands article outlines a new government initiative designed to make  philanthropy more mainstream and effective, and examines the role accountants can play in this.

And columnist Ian Guider makes the case for business, individuals and standards bodies all working together to make sure sustainability reporting tells the whole story about going green, and not just the headline-grabbing stunts.

Plus there’s guidance on new EU rules to ensure companies are all keeping their cyber defences in good order to minimise the damage of any digital breaches.

Also in June we published AB’s latest special edition, which focuses on the best routes into sought-after roles in particular niche industries. Hear advice from ACCA members who might inspire you to try something new. From fashion startups to social networks for gamers, your career pivot might just start here.

Finally, ACCA is celebrating the milestone of welcoming its 250,000th member this year. Explore this specially created map of all things ACCA!

Further information

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