Namibia offers plenty of opportunities but faces some challenges. It possesses an abundance of mineral and marine resources, but mismanagement of these resources hinders it from becoming self-sustainable and a net exporter in the global economy. However, the country still has a lot of potential, especially in the renewable energy sector, and is set to become one of the leaders in the production and export of green hydrogen.

Being an accountant in a business exposes you to all of its aspects and processes. This makes it an enjoyable experience as you gain a good understanding of the entire business which puts you in a position to contribute to its success. Now, as CFO of a company focusing on a variety of solar solutions, I am involved in so much more than just the numbers.

An earlier role as a project accountant for one of the leading diamond companies in Namibia took me out of my comfort zone. I had to quickly build up my project management and interpersonal skills as I needed to be able to engage with various stakeholders while setting up project programmes and timelines. I also had to ensure appropriate funding and controls, and see that projects were financially viable. It was frequently uncomfortable; however, this time helped prepare me to take on more senior leadership roles.

Three years at a Big Five firm shaped the professional accountant I am today

I’ve always had a natural talent for numbers and excelled in accounting during my high school years. I was not sure which career to pursue, so I decided to complete a one-year course in business management, and it was here that a lecturer inspired me to become a chartered accountant.

I completed undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in accounting science in South Africa before starting a traineeship with a Big Five firm in Namibia, auditing mostly fishing companies. The three years spent there were a fundamental time that shaped me into the professional accountant I am today.

After completing my traineeship, I moved into Namibia’s mining sector and worked for a couple of companies in the uranium and diamond sectors. I had various roles in financial management and as a project accountant, and this period became the foundation for my career in more senior roles. Thereafter, I moved into Namibia’s renewable energy sector.

If I had law-making powers, I would tackle Namibia’s spending culture

My favourite quote is this: ‘The only disability in life is a bad attitude.’

My biggest achievement is becoming an ACCA member. It has opened doors to leadership roles and equipped me with the professional competencies and ethical standards needed to be a good accountant.

If I had law-making powers, I would tackle Namibia’s spending culture. People here are less likely to save for the future, especially for retirement. This puts a burden on the state as those without a private pension fund must be looked after. I would implement legislation that makes saving for retirement compulsory.

When I am not at work, I enjoy playing tennis and going on long-distance runs. Tennis brings out my competitive nature, while running improves my mental endurance. I believe in having a healthy and balanced lifestyle, and keeping active plays a big part in that.
