My father instilled in me an appreciation for finance when he was running the family business. His unwavering dedication served as an inspiration, motivating me to pursue a career in finance as I witnessed the strategic decisions and planning required in entrepreneurship. This gave me a passion for developing my own business acumen.

My career started at EY Greece in 2002, where I also began my studies towards the ACCA qualification. My career then shifted towards financial reporting, planning and analysis within the telecommunication industry, HR outsourcing and managed services. Since 2021, I have been at Pfizer serving the controllers, record to report team as part of its finance and GBS organisation in Greece.

Success favours those who are bold enough to take decisive action and act with conviction

In an unstable global geopolitical environment, Greek businesses face significant challenges including increased energy costs, inflationary pressures and lack of liquidity. However, many opportunities exist that allow Greek businesses to succeed. By investing in innovation, green transition and digital transformation, businesses will have the potential to lead in tourism, agriculture and renewable energy, and gain opportunities to export their products by leveraging the country’s competitive advantages in sectors like food and beverages. Strategic partnerships and market diversification can also provide growth.

Throughout my career I’ve faced challenges that have pushed me out of my comfort zone, especially when I was faced with transitioning from a technical role to a leadership position. I quickly needed to learn how to develop and balance strategic decision-making with hands-on operational management. I discovered the importance of acting rather than hesitating, and developed a resourceful mindset, strong interpersonal skills, and the ability to inspire and motivate my team.

I like the mantra ‘Act with courage, not fear.’ Opportunities often present themselves in moments of uncertainty. During these critical times we need to be courageous and act despite fearing the unknown. This quote reminds me that success favours those who are bold enough to take decisive action and act with conviction.

One of my proudest achievements is seeing the professional transformation of my colleagues

With over 20 years in the finance profession, my dedication remains unwavering, fuelled by my enduring passion for the field. What truly excites me is the problem-solving challenges, the teamwork, the partnerships and the strategic thinking involved in the accounting profession. Every day presents new opportunities for me.

One of my proudest achievements is seeing the professional transformation of my colleagues. Helping them to reach their full potential has been a source of fulfilment and pride for me as they discover their strengths and find opportunities for growth and development. Fostering an environment of trust and collaboration contributes to the success of the team but also cultivates a sense of achievement and fulfilment.

If I had law-making powers, I would focus on promoting financial literacy and education for everyone, regardless of their financial background. By equipping people with knowledge and skills on how to make informed financial decisions we can help them face various challenges and better manage their finances. This would contribute to a more financially secure and stable society, driving long-term economic growth and prosperity for everyone.

If I were not a finance and accounting professional, I would be a medical researcher. I would like to join a global team dedicated to working towards breakthroughs in healthcare and the development of new medicines.

My favourite pastime is enjoying quality time with my family, particularly when taking country walks along with our dog. This allows me to unwind while bonding with loved ones, which is an ideal break from a demanding day.
