After working for many years in corporate functions and the second line of defence, I transitioned to the first line of defence risk function. I love how closely we work with the business and its strategy, protecting something that is alive, constantly changing, and evolving in an innovative market. I like to say we protect a garden rather than a museum!
Elavon Financial Services is a major provider of payment processing solutions and services. We offer a broad array of products and services including point-of-sale systems, integrated payment solutions, mobile payment solutions, online payment gateways and more. The payment risk office identifies, assesses and mitigates risks within the organisation. We manage crisis-response plans, educate staff about risk, collaborate with various departments, and provide strategic advice to senior management.
Regulatory change creates challenges but also opportunities
Understanding and navigating changing regulatory environments is crucial for payment service providers, particularly in a market as dynamic as the EU. The new Payments Services Regulations are high on our radar, but still under discussion and not yet implemented. Regulatory change creates challenges but also opportunities.
ACCA has undoubtedly bolstered my professional career, not only in finance and accounting but also in management. In addition, it has given me great networking opportunities (I served six years in the Financial Services Panel in Ireland), recognition, professional status and ethical awareness. Most important is the comprehensive skill set, given the range of subjects covered and the continuous learning opportunities, which I apply in my daily professional life.
I have found Ireland’s work culture dynamic, inclusive and forward-thinking
Coming from Argentina, I was really impressed with the work culture in Ireland. I found it dynamic, inclusive and forward-thinking. Communication is open, encouraging a free exchange of ideas across relatively flat organisational structures. There’s a strong commitment to professional development, supported by robust labour regulations that ensure fair and ethical practices. I love it!
In Argentina, it is very typical for free time to be slow time. This mostly revolves around the family, like cooking lots of delicious food and spending a long time sharing it with close family and friends. When we can string a few days together, we like to travel, in Ireland or abroad, to new places, and gently, slowly take it all in.
The most important business lesson I have learned in my career is around collaboration. If you work by yourself, you will get there faster. If you work with your team, you will get there best.