In the challenging economic climate of 2008, I turned a potential obstacle into a valuable opportunity by pursuing the ACCA qualification to hone my expertise and enhance my employability prospects. Completing all Foundation papers on my first attempt led to an exciting opportunity through a headhunter and landed me my first role at a local start-up specialising in packaging.

I’ve always been drawn to the power of numbers. Witnessing how the 2008 financial crisis disproportionately impacted companies with weak financial structures sparked a passion for understanding the crucial role accounting and finance play in organisational stability and growth. Strong financial practices are not just numbers on a page but tools for building resilient businesses that can weather any storm.

What truly fulfils me is collaborating with passionate business owners

I currently head my own firm, providing accounting and tax advisory services with a focus on fractional CFO solutions for SMEs. What truly fulfils me is collaborating with passionate business owners, listening to their goals and challenges, and leveraging my expertise to propel their companies forward. The variety of industries I encounter, the continuous learning opportunities and the opportunity to build a strong professional network are all incredibly rewarding. Additionally, the freedom and flexibility of working from anywhere are invaluable to me.

My journey has been shaped by diverse influences. My grandparents instilled in me the belief that fear is the only barrier to progress. My economics teacher and the film The Big Short ignited my passion for understanding the intricate world of finance and its impact on global events.

I plan to leverage AI to make fractional CFO services even more impactful

One of my proudest achievements has been facilitating the acquisition of a Singaporean start-up by an Indonesian conglomerate. This complex cross-border, cross-cultural deal required exceptional stakeholder management and cultural sensitivity, showcasing my ability to excel beyond simply being a ‘numbers cruncher’. I’ve also successfully shifted the perception of finance within many small businesses, demonstrating that a strong finance department is not an expense but a strategic asset.

My ultimate goal is to level the playing field for SMEs. I envision a future where they have access to top-tier financial expertise at an affordable price, allowing them to compete effectively with larger businesses. To achieve this, I plan to leverage the power of AI and machine learning to develop innovative solutions that make fractional CFO services even more accessible and impactful. I and another co-founder are currently preparing to launch a fintech start-up called Financely in 2024.

ACCA has been invaluable throughout my career. The qualification was instrumental in securing my first job when the Singapore economy was still recovering in 2010–11, with the hiring manager explicitly citing it as a key factor. The ACCA network has also provided access to professional development opportunities and connected me with like-minded individuals. The ACCA Singapore team offers proactive support, events and courses, which are instrumental to my career progression.

If I weren’t an accountant, I might have been drawn to marine conservation. The delicate balance of our ocean ecosystems and the threats they face have always fascinated me. Working to protect these vital resources would be an incredibly rewarding way to contribute to the world.
