The inspiration behind choosing a career in finance came from my mum. Her resilience and passion led her to a 39-year career in retail banking and trade finance for the local national bank. Ever since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by how money works in facilitating trade and enabling the exchange of goods and services. The value of money is something I was particularly curious about.

During high school in Mauritius, I opted for a combination of mathematics, accounting and economics. I went on to study for a BSc (Hons) accounting with finance, following which I started my ACCA studies. Soon after completing the final ACCA exams in 2007, I joined an insurance company as a fund accountant. I moved to Australia in 2009 and undertook further studies, including CFA, and I recently completed a master’s in applied finance.

I feel most excited about seeing numerous ideas and recommendations coming to fruition

The public sector offers a policy and regulation pathway of monitoring and tracing transaction sources. I’m enthusiastic about providing solutions and ideas to help improve the lives of Australians. Working in the public sector allows me to contribute towards shaping the law in a way that supports Australia’s broader policy objectives.

As a policy analyst, I work on interpreting, analysing and applying the law to Australian businesses. A significant portion of my work consists of devising policy solutions and ideas based on reviewing existing accounting standards, statutory recommendations and proposed legislative reforms. Every day is different. I work in a fast-moving environment with multiple tasks of varied complexity. I feel most excited about seeing numerous ideas and recommendations coming to fruition. I literally observe how these solutions contribute to the financial and economic wellbeing of Australia.

The swift and prompt response by our team allowed businesses to survive

ACCA has equipped me with the ability to think strategically to achieve results and deliver acceptable outcomes within reasonable timeframes. It has trained me to use my analytical and leadership skills responsibly and ethically, and to foster professionally sustainable relationships with a range of stakeholders. The lessons learned from the ACCA qualification have enhanced my abilities to be innovative and think critically in resolving problems and challenges in the workplace. ACCA represents the key building block of my career that has built my resilience and determination to undertake further studies.

A big achievement for myself and my team was playing a key role in delivering the federal government’s multi-billion-dollar economic measures and temporary relief during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim was to support businesses, particularly those impacted by prolonged lockdowns. The swift and prompt response by our team allowed businesses to survive in a period of unprecedented economic uncertainty. It was a very challenging and steep learning experience but an accomplishment I’m proud of.

If I weren’t an accountant, I’d try to be a novelist. I love writing and using my imagination.
