Since childhood I have loved maths, especially putting mathematical laws into real life. Unsurprisingly I chose to study economics at university. After graduating I wanted to study real life and considered auditing companies the best place to start. I passed my ACCA exams and then moved into consulting. I appreciate these years because I learned from so many top professionals. Moreover, I realised I enjoyed teaching and helping others to grow.
Moving out of practice was not a conscious decision for me. After working for different companies, I took maternity leave. As time passed, I felt the need to do something else. One day I watched a tutorial about programming and loved it; the tutor presented the topic in a way that even I, a programming newbie, understood.

I did not plan to turn this hobby into a full-time business, but this is exactly what happened
I started to work on the idea of producing something similar for accountants. It began as a hobby. I wrote a few articles, published them on my website and made simple accounting videos focused on IFRS Standards. Later I launched my first IFRS learning programme.
My website became popular among accounting professionals and students, with more than 100,000 visits per month. I did not plan to turn this hobby into a full-time business, but this is exactly what happened. I never returned to my 9-to-5 job. Instead, I had two more children and continued to develop my website.
My clients have a variety of needs. In recent years there have been major IFRS Standards changes and it takes time for people to embrace and implement them. However, Covid-19 has introduced new challenges and currently people need help with estimating the impact of Covid-19 on their own and their clients’ businesses. It means many different challenges and resulting reporting implications.
Covid-19 introduced significant changes to how businesses operate and as a result many more meetings take place online. Working from home has actually increased my opportunities to participate at virtual conferences and I appreciate this virtual connection with my followers. My goal is to spread knowledge and help people grow, so finding new ways of teaching interesting topics represents both challenge and opportunity at the same time.
I really enjoy my job. I love making videos about accounting issues and interacting with my followers. I enjoy all the messages telling me how my website helped them to pass their exams and get their qualification or clear up some accounting issue. Every word of thanks means a ton to me.
I also like conferences and networking with other professionals from all over the world. Thanks to the internet, you are one email away from a top expert in an industry, and most experts I’ve met are humble people with vision and a genuine desire to help.
My biggest achievement is having a healthy family with three children, while working on my dream job. I feel huge gratitude.
I love teaching. If I were not an accountant, I would definitely be a teacher.
In my spare time I enjoy hiking and playing the accordion. I also read more than 100 books a year.