Auditing is a very demanding profession. Being positive can help you proactively find solutions and get through difficult times.
As a working mom, one of my challenges is striking a balance between work and life, and it is not easy. One thing I find doable is to start my days earlier than my colleagues, so I can focus and be efficient, which allows me more flexibility to spend quality time with my family.

Staying hungry can help you keep the passion to learn and adapt
The audit profession lets me obtain an in-depth understanding of different industries. I also get to know great minds and like the working environment, which has a people-focused culture.
For people who want to get into the audit industry, I think a first step is to stay hungry. Accounting can be very complex and ever-changing, and staying hungry can help you keep the passion to learn and adapt.
Equipping yourself with more IT skills is always helpful as the industry is evolving. Every year at KPMG, we have new and different audit tools and encourage our teams to implement them in engagements. We have an annual audit innovation competition to showcase how these tools or other new ones can be used in audits.
The use of digital intelligence in audits will play a key role in the future
I think the profession is beginning to put more emphasis on compliance and quality. It’s an emphasis that will be particularly noticeable in entities with public interests, as we have seen increased scrutiny and requirements from both internal reviewers and external regulators. The use of digital intelligence in audits will also play a key role in the future to improve the efficiency of audits as our clients are going digital.
I majored in finance and accounting at university, so it was normal to start my career in the accounting field. I got an offer from KPMG Shanghai after graduation and accepted it, moving to Hong Kong afterwards through an internal move. I now lead audit engagement teams to complete audits of financial statements according to accounting and auditing standards and issue audit opinions for our corporate clients so that they can fulfil their statutory duties or listing requirements.
Outside of work, I like listening to music. I am more of a quiet person, and I like spending time by myself and with my family. I use this time to relax and recharge; together we enjoy reading, listening to music and watching movies.