My career in the public sector started when the opportunity to take on a management role in the university in my hometown came up. I had worked in practice previously and moving to the public sector gave me an opportunity to develop my skills and learn a whole new way of working. I love the variety in my job.
I manage the finance department of the university. This includes working with budget holders and senior leaders to produce management and year-end accounts.

It’s not just about the price of a good or service; it’s about the background and how it was procured
Funding is a big challenge for the university, including navigating around all the restrictions, regulations and guidelines linked to grant funding. I ensure that we are strong on procurement; it’s public money we are spending and there are rules around how things can be purchased, whether they are services or goods. It’s not just about the price of a good or service; it’s about the background and how it was procured.
Funding is restricted and costs are going up, so you need to do due diligence around purchases and demonstrate how you have obtained value for money. The solution might not necessarily be the cheapest, but it will be the best one because you’ll have done all the research behind it.
My role involves explaining the necessity for these guidelines when sometimes they can seem like a barrier. Good communication skills, the ability to manage change and to get colleagues on-side with finance decisions are all skills I use in my role.
Don’t be afraid to take on simple jobs as they will help to grow your knowledge
I hit the ground running in this role. I had to work without a finance director for a couple of years, picking up their work as well as my day job. The experience gave me an insight into my strengths and weaknesses when thinking about positioning myself in a senior role, and a new perspective on the issues of running an organisation.
I self-studied for my ACCA qualification, raising a family and working full time. There were times I wondered what I was doing but I was determined to succeed.
I would say to accountants starting out not to be afraid to take on simple jobs as they will help to grow your knowledge. Even now, I will help process invoices to keep my hand in and support my team.
Outside of work I go to the gym and recently ran a half marathon in aid of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation. I’m on the board of the charity Moray Women’s Aid, and I’m also a special constable – a role I love. It was my mum’s passing that encouraged me to take the initiative to join up, and it feels like I’m in my own mini family with my fellow special constables.