In this issue, we look at what 2022 might bring, including priorities for professional accountants. We also consider the results of a survey of ACCA members on how optimistic they are about recovery in Hong Kong. And leading Asian economist Manu Bhaskaran writes on how a slowing pace of economic growth will impact mainland China.

We know this time of year can be challenging on personal as well as professional levels. Psychologists Dr Rob Yeung and Jess Baker offer insights, respectively, on how small-talk with colleagues can help lift your spirits, and how people pleasers can also help themselves.

Our main interview this month is with Liang Pingwei FCCA, CFO and CIO of Ergo China Life Insurance, on how the insurance sector has thrived since China opened up.

Finally, we have added another podcast to our series – the latest episode is on practical ways leaders can support staff in difficult times, on both personal and professional levels.

Further information

See the other regional editions of AB:
