A little over a year ago, Syed Bilal Hashmi ACCA had to make the hardest decision of his life. Should he stay in a Taliban-run Afghanistan, or leave his role as the country’s deputy auditor general, uprooting his wife and four children, and start a new life elsewhere? Find out more about his journey to relocate to Ireland.

Hashmi credits the support he had from ACCA as critical in helping him make the move. Collaboration and giving back to the community are hallmarks of ACCA activity, and we take a look at the role of the sector networks in providing ways for members to get together to share experiences and expand their learning.

We also have an article outlining how changes to legislation have opened the way for ACCA to apply to bring the ACCA qualification within the Irish National Framework of Qualifications, further enhancing the qualification’s value to members.

And we report on a recent survey of Irish CFOs, which identifies retaining and attracting the right talent as the biggest risk they face right now. Cyber risks are another challenge highlighted, and we have a feature on demonstrating digital resilience, which is now essential for finance firms to comply with new EU legislation.

Personal resilience is also a theme at this time of year, when people tend to focus on health and work/life balance. Experts tell AB that ‘slow and steady wins the race’ – that is, a measured approach to exercise and mental wellbeing will reap greater rewards. 

Finally, our organisational psychologist Dr Rob Yeung explains that playing office politics isn’t necessarily a bad thing if you can stick to your principles. Read the article and earn CPD units. 

Further information

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