Abdul Rahman Amoadu FCCA was keeping his friend company as he queued to take a management test with a logistics group. In a sliding-doors moment, Rahman decided to take the test himself, which he comprehensively passed; in fact, he got the highest marks in the sub-Saharan region. The rest is history as he takes up the position of managing director of the Peruvian business of Newmont Corp, one of the world’s leading gold companies.

The Tour de France kicks off in July, so we take a look at how, despite the cycling tournament’s surge in popularity over the years, it has managed to resist offers of outside investment and remains hugely financially successful.

A key piece of research from ACCA, published in June, explains how sustainable organisations must balance social equity with environmental action. A failure to grasp this premise, it says, will marginalise the contribution that the profession should make to a just transition to a sustainable future.

In practice news, S M Omar shares his journey from Bangladesh to Calgary in Canada. It is a move that required him to buy some gloves as the temperature was somewhat different to his home country.

We have a long look at how the latest Basel regulations could increase the cost of capital for business, while further costs could arise from the EU’s introduction of its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. CPD units are available for each of these articles.

Some of our other articles this month also offer CPD units. One looks at the EU’s new sustainability disclosures regime, and another at the requirements of IFRS S2, which was published shortly after our article. Find more in our CPD section.

Further information

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