Throughout my career I have stepped out of my comfort zone in big and small ways. I used to be scared of speaking in public but am now happy to present budgets and monthly management reports. Earlier in my career, I had to review the controls and processes of a company we were working with, so I had to quickly shift from being an accountant to being an internal auditor, which was demanding.

Audit did not offer me the scope to be creative so I switched to a corporate role

I enjoy providing innovative solutions to problems and helping organisations manage their costs better. I also like to analyse data and identify trends, and the knowledge of IFRS Standards gained from my ACCA Qualification has given me a competitive edge. In the finance department at Avbob Industries where I now work, we interact with all the other business departments, so I understand our operations better than many colleagues.

My love for accounting has been with me since I was young. My dad had several businesses and he made sure I helped him in a hands-on way. My interest grew – so much so that I chose to study accounting at university.

When I worked in external auditing I travelled a lot and used to dread living out of a suitcase. As an auditor, your job is to review work completed by the client, and I felt I was not using my talents to the full; I like creating spreadsheets that make work easier, looking at the numbers, identifying the red flags and determining how we can do things better. Audit did not offer me that scope to be creative which is why I switched to a corporate role. 

With so many power cuts there are opportunities in solar panel installation

In 2009 a friend introduced me to ACCA and I will forever be thankful to him. What stood out for me is that ACCA is recognised globally, places emphasis on ethics and provides flexibility in terms of the exams.

South Africa is facing an economic decline, which is further intensified by rolling power cuts. This has contributed to the high unemployment rate, especially among the young as industries are not able to absorb the number of graduates. We have poor service delivery, and some municipalities cannot fulfil basic services such as water supply, health services and refuse collection. However, with so many power cuts there are opportunities in solar panel installation; South Africa’s sunny climate is ideal and the industry is developing, with rebates being introduced. 

I am proud to provide recommendations and create new processes to help the company achieve its goals

If I had law-making powers, I would lower corporate and income taxes paid by companies and individuals in order to stimulate economic growth. This would increase funds available for business expansion, resulting in more recruitment. Lowering income tax would increase individuals’ disposable income, which would in turn drive additional spending.

My ACCA Qualification is one of my greatest achievements and it continues to open many doors for me. My organisation’s management values my opinion and I am proud to be in a position where I can provide recommendations and create new processes to help the company achieve its goals.

I never have to work at weekends, allowing me to have a work-life balance where I can spend time with my family. In my spare time I read accounting articles and magazines to keep in touch with current global events. I am currently learning about big data, automation and analytics to advance my problem-solving skills. I also love travelling and exploring South Africa’s many hidden gems.
