
Zinara Rathnayake, journalist

A recent ACCA survey on talent trends in finance revealed that mental health and wellbeing are key priorities for professionals in India.

It’s a common trend throughout South Asia. In the era of hybrid work culture and increasingly digitised workspaces, organisations need to focus on prioritising mental health, explains Fadhil Feroze, audit associate at KPMG Sri Lanka. ‘Companies need to understand the importance of mental health and wellbeing so that they can treat their employees properly,’ he says.

‘Mental wellbeing helps maintain concentration, problem-solving skills and creativity’

Employers can prioritise mental health by promoting a supportive work environment, offering resources for mental wellbeing and encouraging self-care tools. Businesses, Feroze adds, can promote practices like reducing screen time and taking small breaks in between work to clear your mind, which would help create a workplace that fosters employee wellbeing.

A clear mind

Growing up in Sri Lanka, Feroze had little awareness of mental health and wellbeing, but things are changing now. ‘I understood the importance of wellness when I started working,’ he says. ‘At work, you will often feel pressure and stress, and no matter what qualifications you have, if you can go home and sleep with a peaceful mind, that’s what matters.

‘If I feel like there are too many things running through my mind, I call my friends to play sports or talk to my mother,’ Feroze adds. ‘It helps me focus and clear my mind after a busy day at work.’ He says that added stress can even hamper the future career achievements of young finance professionals. ‘If you neglect your wellbeing, the stress will keep adding up, and you may not be able to advance in your career, even if you are giving your best.’

Significant impact

According to Priyanka Kaul, counselling psychologist and human resources business partner at Zolo, a co-living space provider in Bangalore, India: ‘When individuals are mentally well, they are more likely to be focused, motivated and able to perform at their best. Mental wellbeing helps in maintaining concentration, problem-solving skills and creativity, all of which are essential for achieving professional goals,’ she says, explaining that professionals with good mental health also tend to have a positive outlook, enjoy their work and experience a sense of fulfilment.

‘If you are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing difficulties, reach out for support’

With good mental care, ‘they are better equipped to handle work pressures, setbacks and challenges,’ she adds. It also influences how finance professionals interact with their colleagues, clients and employers. It helps them foster positive relationships, effective communication and teamwork.

Hybrid working

While the hybrid work culture today helps employees to manage both personal and professional work from one place, it comes with added pressure, explains Vishnu Chaitanya, audit senior assistant at Deloitte India. ‘Unless you manage both of them effectively and efficiently, it’s difficult to find mental peace,’ he says.

Chaitanya adds that while he never compromises on proper sleep, prioritising the mandatory, time-bound tasks rather than spending long hours on several tasks has also helped him balance his workload.

Healthy boundaries

‘Good mental health allows professionals to set boundaries, manage time effectively and engage in activities outside of work that promote relaxation, hobbies and social connections,’ says Kaul. ‘This balance is vital for long-term sustainability and preventing burnout.’

Kaul says that taking regular breaks throughout the day, such as a walk, stretch or deep breathing exercises, can help maintain focus, reduce stress and improve productivity. ‘Step away from your workspace, engage in activities you enjoy, or simply relax.’

Create a schedule that ensures that personal time is not neglected. Professionals can also include designated slots to disconnect from technology and limit screen time to promote relaxation.

Why focusing on yourself matters

  • A healthy, clutter-free mind can think more openly, generate new ideas, and approach problem-solving from different angles. This can lead to improved innovation within the workplace.
  • Neglecting your wellbeing can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and other mental health disorders, which can eventually affect physical health.

Kaul also says that it’s okay to ask for help. ‘Seeking support from colleagues, mentors or a mental health professional can help manage stress and anxiety. Maintain open and honest communication with colleagues and supervisors,’ she says.

‘If you are feeling overwhelmed or experiencing difficulties, reach out for support. This can involve discussing workload concerns, seeking guidance or even accessing employee assistance programmes.’

Self-care is key

For professionals, mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga, can also help. ‘Investing in oneself is the biggest investment one can make,’ says Anamika Viswanathan, business psychologist and head of the business consultancy centre CHRIST Consulting in Bangalore, India. ‘I’ve noticed that those in hybrid working models turn to pets or practices like gardening, music and yoga to counter work stress.’

‘Above all, human interaction is key to mental wellbeing’

While pets are natural stress busters, yoga fosters mindfulness and helps balance energies and remove toxicity when practised daily. ‘Things like baking and cooking also help you to de-stress, and the rewards are available instantly to savour,’ says Viswanathan.

Above all, human interaction is key to mental wellbeing, Viswanathan says. ‘In this era of AR-VR, it definitely helps to have a good time with friends and family in the old-fashioned way.’

Kaul adds that achieving work-life balance and supporting mental wellbeing is an ongoing process that requires conscious effort, self-reflection and the willingness to make adjustments when necessary.

‘Prioritising your mental health and wellbeing helps you thrive both personally and professionally,’ she says.

More information

Read our article What does India’s talent want? on why wellbeing and work-life balance are among the top priorities for accounting professionals in the country

Visit ACCA’s wellbeing hub for advice and support on mental health and wellbeing at work
