The accounting profession is well placed to harness the power of AI, and its ability to do so will future-proof the profession and drive the development of smart finance. This was the key message delivered by ACCA at the Intelligent Finance forum at the 2024 World AI Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai in July.

In his keynote address at the event, and by signing up to the Intelligent Finance Eco-Alliance, ACCA’s director of policy and insights Mike Suffield confirmed that ACCA is committed to contributing to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) within the financial sector and the spread of smart and reliable accounting applications.

Suffield also took the opportunity to share insights with the 1,200 onsite delegates and 150,000 online viewers from ACCA’s report Enabling trust in an AI-enhanced world.

Shared benefits

The Intelligent Finance forum was hosted by the Shanghai National Accounting Institute (SNAI) as part of WAIC, and had the overarching theme of ‘Promoting shared benefits through broad consultation and good governance for good wisdom’. The conference brought together government officials, experts and scholars from around the world, representatives from prominent enterprises and institutions, and other distinguished guests.

Beyond the main conference, Suffield also represented ACCA in the signing of the Intelligent Finance Eco-Alliance, initiated by SNAI, showcasing ACCA’s commitment to contributing to AI integration within the financial sector and the spread of smart and reliable accounting applications.
