It has been two years since Russia invaded Ukraine. But in that time, Ukrainian businesses have continued to operate, including accountancy firms. Dmytro Belianskiy is a Ukrainian partner in Mazars doing just that, as well as being on standby to see active service in the war. Astonishingly, he managed to carry on working with clients from bomb shelters in the early days of the war. And even now, he remains optimistic about the future, planning ahead for Ukrainian reconstruction work.
Continuing this theme, geopolitical risk has widespread impact, and this month we look at just how worried finance professionals should be by the disruption to shipping in the Red Sea.
Ahead of International Women’s Day in March, we hear from Nurkamila Akisheva, who moved from Kazakhstan to Florida to set up her own tax consultancy firm. One and a half years after opening her consultancy, Nurkamila now has over 100 clients, most of which are from Eastern Europe.
Ever wondered what keeps audit committee chairs awake at night? Apparently, it is a combination of personal reputation and whether they appear to be ‘in control’ of their organisation’s corporate reporting. At least, that’s according to a survey of German ACCs.
Looking at careers, Global Talent Trends 2024 shows a range of pressures on finance professionals and their employers worldwide as organisations continue to grapple with rapidly evolving technology, changing work practices and the rising cost of living.
And finally, in more light-hearted coverage, we look at the impressive returns enjoyed by some celebrities’ investment portfolios; and we explore the skills needed for a career as a finance professional in mobile gaming.