As the new government heads towards its first Budget, and speculation rages over what changes in taxation will mean for high-net-worth individuals, schools, the NHS and businesses large and small, AB takes a look at what is on SMEs’ wishlists.

Regulatory change is already having an impact on business in the form of the new listings regime, reporting obligations and other governance rules. We look at the effect of all of these combined.  

On the subject of governance, AB columnist Jane Fuller looks back at how changes in legislation prompted by historic scandals have failed to prevent more recent failures, with Thames Water being the latest culprit in the headlines.

However, other developments are having a positive effect on business. We look at how advances in AI continue to shape the future of the profession, including its application to accounts preparation allowing accountants to focus on verifying rather than constructing financial statements.

Also being transformed by technology is the audit profession, and EY global assurance talent leader Dilek Çilingir sets out her vision of the future.

Our main interview this month is with the FD of Chelsea Arts Club Jacqueline Jarvis FCCA, who explains the rewards and challenges of managing the finances of a revered member organisation.

Finally, this month also sees the launch of ACCA’s annual conference Accounting for the Future. With the theme of ‘Embracing the disruption’, the three-day event looks at trends and developments affecting professional accountants around the world, including opportunities around new technology, imperatives for sustainability, and the new skills needed in this fast-moving landscape. Register to attend live on 26-28 November or on demand.

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