If you’re going to run your own practice, it’s important to have a positive attitude, determination and strong problem-solving skills. You also have to wear a lot of hats. I’m the webmaster of a site I designed, the IT department and marketing manager, as well as being the trusted professional adviser to clients.

I find the marketing aspect of the role particularly challenging. Building a social media presence, recording and posting videos, and cold-selling by delivering leaflets are all new to me. Frankly, I think selling is harder than completing my ACCA exams!

I had to drop out of university and get a job while studying for ACCA

It’s very rewarding to help people who really need professional advice. I recently helped a property investment client who had been badly let down by her previous accountant, and it turned out to be a real success story.

The practitioner community is great. I’m going to accountancy exhibitions to meet other practitioners and learning so much from them all. I’m very interested in offering advisory services down the line when I’ve built my client base further, as that tends to be more interesting as well as offering higher margins.

I came from northern China to the UK to study when I was 16. I did my A-levels and had already started university when the family business back home began to struggle and my parents could no longer fund me. I had to drop out of university and get a job to support myself while studying for the ACCA qualification. I couldn’t afford the tuition, so I did it all via self-study. I now have a university degree through the ACCA and Oxford Brookes partnership.

In a larger firm your work may be limited whereas I worked on everything

After qualifying, I joined a small practice. Many people want to work for bigger practices, but in a larger firm your work may be limited because everyone has their own specific role, whereas I was able to work on everything the practice could offer, which was far more interesting. Then, after working at an insurance company in a number of roles, I decided set up my own practice. I had to do things I would never have thought I could do on my own, but I figured it out as I went along.

I’m very busy but it’s important to maintain hobbies to balance my life

I have a variety of hobbies – tennis, golf, yoga, acrylic painting. I recently picked up playing the zither, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, and ballet dancing. Our group recently performed zither in a summer festival in Southampton. While I expect the practice to keep me very busy, it’s important to maintain hobbies to balance my life and remind myself what I’m working for.

I am so pleased that I decided to set up my own practice. There are many things I would never have done if I hadn’t taken this step. I’ve learned the importance of resilience, adaptability and continuous learning. Building a client base is hard work, but I am thrilled about what is to come in the future. This is an exciting journey, and I can't wait to see where it leads.
