Global tax authorities largely believe that the Big Four professional services networks follow the letter of the law when giving advice on tax planning to multinationals, according to research by the OECD, which found that officials thought firms usually provided the relevant information when requested.

The survey also shows that while multinationals are generally seen to demonstrate a formal commitment to cooperation with tax administrations, perceptions of transparency and trust in the information provided by them are less positive. There are strong regional differences, with tax administrations’ perceptions of multinationals’ behaviour generally poorer in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to a lesser extent Africa, when compared with Asia and OECD countries.

More information

ACCA's Accounting for the Future online conference has a session on global mobility, tax, skills and regulation in a flexible new world

Find out what people around the world think about tax issues in ACCA's report Public trust in tax: global perspectives 2022

Read the OECD report, Tax Morale II: Building Trust between Tax Administrations and Large Businesses
