The third edition of Public trust in tax: surveying public trust in G20 tax systems, a collaboration between ACCA, the International Federation of Accountants and CA ANZ (ACCA’s strategic partner), comes at a time when governments and citizens the world over are re-evaluating their priorities in the midst of the pandemic. As the report puts it, Covid has been ‘one of the biggest shocks to society and economies in living memory’.
Conducted before the announcement of the global agreement on a 15% minimum corporate tax rate, the research reflects the views of more than 8,000 people across the G20 countries, looking at trust and what concerns them. It also includes discussions with panels of tax experts and policy professionals within and outside the G20, to explore some of the key findings from this and previous reports in more depth.
Some of the headlines include:
- Trust in all stakeholders has improved on balance, but there are still significant variations between regions. Those reporting trust in professional tax accountants increased to 40.7% in 2021, up from 37.6% in 2018.
- People want to see tax systems used to target specific positive outcomes.
- People generally think that taxpayers are paying enough tax.
Other key findings are presented below.